
Bu-Ali Sina University

The first steps in establishing Bu-Ali Sina University (BASU) were taken in March 1973 in a joint agreement between the Iranian and the French governments. In its 94th meeting in 26 November e 1973, the Expansion Council of the higher education licensed the establishment of BASU. Bu-Ali Sina University was, then, established in 1974; and in 1976, it started its educational activities by admitting about 200 students in undergraduate and postgraduate levels, studying in the following four complexes: Agricultural Development, Health Sciences, Environmental Sciences, and Educational Sciences.

The campus on which lecture halls, cultural-recreational buildings, dormitories and sports halls are situated, is 250 square meters in size; while the main site measures 205 acres.

In 2017, Bu-Ali Sina University had a Webometric ranking of 1583 in the World, 400 in Asia, 80 in Middle East and 21 among the Universities of Iran. In terms of ISC citation index, it is ranked 9th among the Universities of Iran and 50th among the Universities of the Islamic world.

In addition, it is ranked 5th in Citation rankings and also 5th regarding the number of Scholars with ISI papers among Universities of Iran.

There are currently 440 faculty member, approximately 735 employees, about 13000 students active in more than 310 majors in associate, Bachelor, Master and Ph.D. degrees. Approximately 35000 students graduated from Bu-Ali Sina throughout the years.

The University is comprised of the following 13 faculties:

Faculty of Basic Sciences, Faculty of Chemistry, Faculty of Humanities, Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences, Faculty of Engineering and Technology, Faculty of Arts and Architecture, Faculty of Agriculture, Faculty of Para-Veterinary Sciences, Faculty of Physical Education, Tuyserkan Faculty of Technology, Kabudar-Ahang Faculty of Technology, Razan Faculty of Management and Accountancy, and Bahar Faculty of Food Industry.

Among these, faculties of Chemistry, Engineering and Technology, Basic Sciences and Humanities are highly ranked regarding scientific production and admission of students.

Among affiliate organizations, the "Roshd" Center, an affiliate of Bu-Ali Sina University with 25 subsidiary companies active in fields of IT and ICT, has experienced significant increase in the admission of students and elites with technological projects and ideas.

One of the key features of Bu-Ali Sina University worth mentioning, is the high quality of the science production and promotion of higher education; fruits of the hard work of all the authorities and faculty members throughout the years.

It should be noted that this University is well-known in the country and the world for the number of citations made to the papers by faculty members and for the its programs in the field of chemistry.

Bu-Ali Sina University can be considered to be among the "1% influential Universities in the world".

Buali-Sina University is currently hosting 24 students and 52 non-Iranian language learners interested in Persian language from countries such as Syria, Yemen, Palestine, Iraq, China, Sri Lanka, Tajikistan, Pakistan in BA, MA and Ph.D. degrees. It is hoped that in the not too distant future, the number of these students and language learners in this University increases.